タグ:"Michino Eki Aso"

Reflecting on Growth and Gratitude

Hello everyone, It's me, Min Min, once again, and the time has co...
カテゴリー: English Blog

Welcoming the New Year with Amazake

Welcome to Michino Eki Aso, and Happy New Year to all of you! At ...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommandations

My Gratitude To Michi-no-Eki Aso

Welcome Back To Michi-no-Eki Aso It’s me, Min Min again.  It's...
カテゴリー: English Blog

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Michi no Eki Aso Taiwanese interns visit the Kusasenri

Hello everyone, I'm Ringo ...


Discovering restaurants with stunning locations and delicious local cuisine

Hello, how are you? Today, ...


Feel the ancient Aso at Oshitoishi Stone Hill Park

Hello, everyone! The rainy se ...


Great cafe with stunning views of Aso

Hello everyone, I hope you are ...


A half day out in Minami Aso

After the sad recent departure ...
