Hands-Free Travel

Place Michi no Eki Aso information desk
Opening hours 9:00~18:00
Opening days 365 days a year
Inquiry Michi no Eki Aso TEL:0967-35-5088

Luggage storage service

Price 1000 yen per luggage (tax included)
Items that cannot be shipped Valuables, credit cards, pets, documents that cannot be reissued (passports etc.), Hazardous materials (poisons, explosives, firework etc.)
Important point We cannot keep your luggage overnight. Please come pick them back before closing time
Online reservation

Delivery service (Within Japan)

You can send your luggage to your next accommodation.

※only within Japan
※no same-day delivery

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Discovering restaurants with stunning locations and delicious local cuisine

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A half day out in Minami Aso

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