Welcoming the New Year with Amazake

Welcome to Michino Eki Aso, and Happy New Year to all of you!

At Michino Eki Aso, we celebrated the arrival of 2024 by offering Amazake, a traditional Japanese sweet rice drink. We joyfully served Amazake to 100 customers each day from January 1st to 3rd.

Amazake is basically a Japanese traditional drink made from rice. I bet you’ll assume that Amazake is something with alcohol. But there are actually two types of Amazake and the one we are serving here is a non-alcoholic drink.


A distinctive feature of Amazake is its natural sweetness without the addition of sugar. You can know the difference between natural sweetness and processed sweetness by the lingering taste on your tongue.

Amazake boasts health and beauty benefits, making it a popular choice among people who follow a diet. It is rich in glucose, Vitamin B Group, and amino acids. This is precisely why we are ushering in the new year with Amazake, symbolizing health and beauty for the entirety of 2024.

Once again, Happy New Year, and we wish you a wonderful year ahead. Thank you for your time.

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カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommandations   タグ:   この投稿のパーマリンク


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