Aso Japanese Mustard Green – Takana

Aso Japanese Mustard Green is a representative agricultural product of Aso that can only be found in Aso region. Aso Takana is characterized by its thin stems and crunchy texture as it is grown up in a climate peculiar in Aso, such as cold climate with large differences in temperature and soil derived from volcanic ash, While all other Takana are used for pickles, including leaves, Aso Takana is used mainly on the thin stem part that stood up for a short period of time from mid-March to late March.

Being a non-local in Aso; I am very puzzled of how it is grown and the process steps of how it is harvested and there I managed to had a chance to see it with my very own eyes during my off day when I was out for a run passed by the field plantation when the farmers were out there working in the fields. I had a chance to talk to the farmers when they spoke to me and I asked them what vegetables are these? They smile and answered you must be a non-local and mentioned these are Aso most well-known vegetables in this season which is Takana.

The farmers gathered the Japanese Mustard Green snapping each one by hand without using a machine, this harvest work of Takana is called “Takana fold” in the Aso region and I took a picture and thought it would be interesting to share it with everyone who may be interested to know it too.

Can you imagine the hard work and efforts from the farmers before everyone gets to enjoy this delicious Japanese Green Mustard? Lets eat them with appreciation and don’t forget to get these fresh Japanese green mustard at Michinoeki Aso while its available! And by the way you can use Takana pickles as  Onigiri which is Japanese rice ball too if you are wondering besides eating them alone.

See you soon in Aso ~  Yoshimi

カテゴリー: English Blog   タグ:   この投稿のパーマリンク


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