Planting rice seeds

Hello from Michi No Eki Aso. 

Now in Aso is season for planting rice seeds. We call “Taue”(田植え) and when we do Taue, a family needs to work as one team and co-operate together.

Making rice start in March in Aso. Rice seeds had sowed in pure water and soil together to special box.

Rice seeds are covered by roof to keep warm. 

After 1 month the day of planting, family member work together as one team.

One person put the fertilizer to boxes with baby rice grasses. Other person fix the box precisely to planting agriculture machine.

The side end of rice field, baby grasses are planted manually. Kids also help their father and grandfather to plants.

They 4 families neighborhoods are planting together. Now in Japan many famers do double job like office and agriculture work.

They share tractors and rice planting machine.


Aso shrine held many Shinto ritual and agricultural rice ceremonies though all around years.


Look forward to eating this season’s rice made in Aso!


Have a nice day!


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