GoGo〜Daikanbo Lookout!

The Daikanbo Lookout we’re heading to today is located to the northwest of the Aso Station. It’s a 23-minute drive to get there, and along the way, you’ll be treated to stunning grassland scenery. You might even catch sight of some cows grazing on the grass!


The Daikanbo Lookout offers a free parking lot that isn’t too far from the entrance and the souvenir shop. Once you’ve parked your car, it’s just about a 15-minute walk from the entrance to the viewpoint at the summit. The path is gently sloping all the way, making it perfect for families to enjoy together. We took photos along the way, and even before reaching the peak of Daikanbo Mountain, we were already amazed by the scenery on the route lol


By the way, at Daikanbo, they also offer paragliding experiences. When we passed by, we saw a group of instructors with visitors getting ready to take off. For those who are interested, it’s definitely worth giving it a try!


Once you reach the summit of Daikanbo, you’ll be able to overlook the entire Aso region and the neighboring volcanic mountains. The view is incredibly expansive, with boundless grasslands. You might spot some darker patches on the slopes of nearby mountains. At first, you might think they’re forests, but they turn out to be shadows cast by clouds! The weather is truly fantastic, making every photo you take look stunning.


Absolutely, being here, you can’t forget to take a photo with the monument as a keepsake!
(Did anyone notice that we coincidentally captured the paraglider in the background? Haha)


On the way back, you can also visit the souvenir shop to grab some mementos or enjoy some snacks. Especially, don’t miss out on trying the ice cream – it’s a must! During our visit, we were fortunate to be there during the harvest season of melons, so the shop had introduced a limited edition melon-flavored ice cream.


Finally, before getting on the car, we reluctantly said goodbye to this vast grassland. We hope that such beautiful scenery can be conserved for the future, allowing more people to witness its beauty!
That’s it for our sharing about the Daikanbo Lookout in Aso!

See you


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