Beautiful landscape in the morning “Unkai”

Hello from Michi No Eki Aso, I hope you have a good day.

Today I will show you pacific landscape in Aso Caldera. Autumn is season for Unkai (雲海).

雲(Un/Kumo)is cloud, 海 (Kai/Umi) is sea. The sea of cloud is the meaning. When fog in the early morning, if you go higher level of that, you will see fog down.  That is Unkai we are calling.  

Aso caldera is surrounded by mountain range. Only west side of outer rim is opend. Above picture is Tateno where is the valley opened. 

Various viewpoints to see this mystic landscape in outer rim.

Yunoura parking is one of the best place to check this beautiful landscape.

This is same place without Unkai.

When you come Aso next time, please consider wake up in the early morning and check if it’s foggy day.

If it is, come up mountain about 20 minutes and watch Unkai!  

Talking about cloud, this is the photo I took late afternoon yesterday.

In Japan this cloud has been called “Iwashi gumo”. 鰯(Iwashi)is sardine, 雲(Gumo/Kumo)is cloud. The reason why this cloud is sardine cloud is looks like scale of fishes and autumn is time to fishing sardine.

Have a nice day! See you in next blog♪


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