Unique Shape of Mountain in Aso

Hello, everyone from Michi no Eki Aso!

Today, I will talk about the shape of Mt.Aso. If you read this blog once, you will definitely remember the shape of Mt.Aso! Enjoy reading it ♪

As you know, this is Mt.Aso, 



But, Actually, we do not have “Mt.Aso”. ??? Then which one is it? 

Mt. Aso consists of 5 main peaks of Aso as shown in the picture below.



From the left, the gaggy mountain (①) is Mt.Neko (根子岳)

In Japanese, Neko means a cat and there are some mythologies of Aso related to a cat. 



The next one (②) is Mt.Taka (高岳) It is 1,592m high and the highest mountain in Aso!



The next one (③) is an active volcano,Naka(中岳) which just erupted 2 month ago. It was a small scale eruption so we did not get much damage. But, in the southern area of Aso, there is some volcanic ash falling on the street.



The next two (④&⑤) are EASY to climb for trekking lovers… for me, it was hard! haha

(④) is Mt.Eboshi (烏帽子岳) when you go trekking there, you can see beautiful pink carpet! (only in May)

I mean there are some gorgeous azaleas only in spring! Do not miss them! 



(⑤) is Mt.Kishima (杵島岳) I went trekking there last month. At the time after the eruption, I could see some volcanic ash around the crater.



Many people call this shape of Aso looks like a sleeping buddha! Can you see it?


Mt.Neko is a face, Mt.Taka and Mt.Naka are breast and tummy, Mt.Eboshi and Mt.Kishima are knees and legs ☆彡

Yeah~~~~~~~~! But, Do not yell too much, because he will wake up lol, and we do not want another eruption or earthquake! haha ( I am just kidding haha )

The sleeping buddha does not only provide us with amazing views but he also provides us with many blessings such as hotspring, great taste and good quality water which helps us to grow delicious rice, vegetables made from Aso!



Also you can see different faces depending on the season! 

It is the beginning of winter, it will snow soon, the snow will cover mountains like this ♡ Sometimes we have snow on the street too! we can play with snow ♡ Also, winter sunset is the best for me ♡



You can enjoy each season in Aso (^^♪

I will share with you another season in Aso soon!



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