Blueberry Day : Crepe making

Around noon, we left Michi no Eki and headed to Guest House Asonomori. It was our first time going there, and it turned out to be even bigger than I had imagined. Later, we drove to a parking lot next to a large soccer field However, before reaching the blueberry farm, we had to walk further into the fields to finally arrive at our destination, the “Blueberry Farm.”

On the way there, we chatted with a group of children, they are elementary school students from Kumamoto City and they all very energetic. Upon arriving at the blueberry farm, we began the experience of picking blueberries. After plucking them from the trees, we could pop them directly into our mouths. The fruits here were pesticide-free, which allowed us to enjoy the fresh blueberry immediately.


Blueberries are generally ripe when they are black or dark in color. They will taste sweet to eat, but there can still be occasional surprises, so it’s a matter of luck.


We really wanted to stay there and continue picking blueberries, but due to heavy rain this morning, the entire farmland turned into mud. So, we didn’t stay long at the blueberry farm.

Later, we returned to Guest House Asonomori, where we had lunch on a small balcony and even made blueberry pancakes. From that balcony, we had a perfect view of trains passing by.


Our lunch consisted of two homemade sandwiches with cheese and ham, along with a small salad. The students sitting across from us had their own packed lunches (bento), and each bento looked incredibly delicious. I truly admire the Japanese people’s cooking abilities.

After finishing our meal, we started to enjoy our blueberry pancakes. The pancakes we made were more like French crepes. Similarly, we used batter to make them, but what made them unique was that the blueberry sauce drizzled on top was made by us. The result looked exactly like the ones sold outside, and they tasted amazing too!


Actually, it’s not that difficult to do the crepe. Every kid around us managed to make it successfully. Seeing them doing it, I suddenly felt how amazing they are. Being so young and already capable of making pancakes, when I was their age, I could only ask my mom for snacks.


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