Aso I’m Coming!!! 阿蘇我來了!

Hello everyone! We currently have two new interns from Taiwan joining us at Michi No Eki Aso for a month. They are working with us, providing tourism support in Mandarin and visiting many popular places in Aso to document their experiences. Below is the first post from the intern Ellen in both English and Mandarin.

こんにちは!This is Ellen from Taipei, Taiwan. At the end of June, my professor told me there was a chance to go to Aso for a working holiday. I immediately decided that I was going not only because I am interested in Japan but also because I am a big fan of traveling.

Meeting new people, experiencing culture, tasting local dishes, and chilling in nature are carved in my bones. Everything was in a rush, and all I could do was try and hope for the best. I looked up some information, all the mountains, delicacies, and activities are attractive.

I was super excited and a bit nervous as I don’t speak any Japanese, however the departing date soon came.

こんにちは!我是來自臺灣臺北的Ellen。六月底,我的教授告訴我有機會去阿蘇打工度假。我立即決定要去,不僅是因為我對日本感興趣,也因為我非常喜愛旅行。結識新朋友、體驗文化、品嚐當地美食、親近大自然,這些都刻在我的骨子裡。從決定到出發只有短短兩個多禮拜,一切都很匆忙,我盡力做好一切準備,我查了一些資料,所有的山、美食、活動都很吸引人。不會說日語的我, 感到既興奮又緊張。然而,出發的日子很快就來了。


I woke up at 4:30, and all I could hear was Aso calling me. I jumped off my bed and got on the plane. I can’t wait to be in Japan since I last went abroad in 2019.  My heart was pounding so fast. After 2 hours of flight, we finally landed at Fukuoka airport.

It stopped raining when we arrived though it was still cloudy. We took the free bus to the subway to Hakata, the Shinkansen to Kumamoto, and finally, the JR to Aso. Using the ticket machine was easy for me cause there were different languages, including Chinese, for passengers universally.

Surrounded by trees, farmland, and mountains, the view along the railroad was terrific. The bus, subway, and train were spotless and comfortable. I even fell asleep on the way. When we were confused, we asked the station staff for help. They are all patient and friendly. Thanks to them, we didn’t get lost and arrived at Aso safely.

出發當天,我4點30分就醒了,我聽見阿蘇在呼喚我。我從床上跳起來,上了飛機。我真的迫不及待地想來日本了,因為我上次出國是在 2019 年。我的心跳得很快。經過2個小時的飛行,我們終於降落在福岡機場。我們到的時候雨停了,不過還是陰天。我們坐免費的巴士到地鐵站前往博多,再坐新幹線到熊本,最後坐JR到阿蘇。用售票機買票對我來說挺容易的,上面有許多語言可以切換使用,包括中文。窗外景色都是樹木、農田和山脈,鐵路沿線的景色非常棒。我們乘坐的所有交通工具都很乾淨舒適,我還在火車上睡著了呢!當我們有疑惑時,我們會詢問站務人員,每一位站務人員都很有耐心且友善,多虧了他們,我們順利平安抵達阿蘇。


The moment we get off the train. We saw Kanaさん waving to us. She took us to Michi No Eki Aso, which is right across the train station, and where we will be working in the future.

She introduced us to everyone. We talked to the leader and got our work clothes. Some of the staff here are from all over the world, and they speak fluent English and French! Though they are from different places, they have one thing in common, which is kindness. They welcomed us as their friend, and even though I don’t understand Japanese, I can tell from their smile.

I felt so comfortable and delighted. Kanaさん showed us around the shop. The store is bright and clean. You can easily find what you need. Everything is excellent here, the view, the people, the food… literally everything. It’s only my first day here, but I am so in love with everything in Aso. I’m ready to experience my life here!



Thank you for reading and Ellen will be back again soon with her next entry regarding her experiences in Aso.

カテゴリー: Activity, English Blog   タグ: , , , , , , , , ,   この投稿のパーマリンク

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