Making a Visit to Heaven

Hello Everyone…

Welcome to Michi No Eki aso…..

It’s really nice to meet you. I’m very new here. Let me introduce myself first. I’m Min Min from Myanmar. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to share my experiences with you. Last week, I got a chance to go to the Daikanbo View Point, one of the famous places in Aso, Japan. It amazed me a lot and I can’t help but sharing with you about Daikanbo.
I’d like to call it “Heaven”. So, let’s start my little blog with making a visit to Heaven.
Do you find yourself stressed and uncertain? Everything is raining down on you and locking you down? Let’s make a visit to heaven. I don’t mean that Heaven, which is the invisible one where God resides. What I mean is, a beautiful and breathtaking nature that we are blessed with.

This is the view when I reached the top of the Daikanbo. As soon as I saw this scene , I just felt the same feeling of freedom when I was a child.


I admit that, since there are no volcanoes in my hometown, every time I’ve heard the word volcano, I conjure up an image of hell. But I was totally wrong all the time. Look at that view!  The blue sky with that green grassland background must have been painted by an incredible artist. Right? It is the outer rim of Aso’s caldera.
There were plenty of people wandering and enjoying the nature at Daikanbo. The tourists enjoyed their time in their own way. Some of them climbed up there by car, motor-bike or even mountain bike.
Look at these awesome bikes. Awesome views and awesome bikes are the perfect matching.
Just take a look at that mountain range. Can you imagine something? Japanese people believe that that mountain range represents the Buddha, lying on his back.
I agree with that. Most of us in Myanmar are Buddhists. lf you can please enjoy Daikanbo view point. Daikanbo view point is actually on the edge of the outer rim of Aso.
 If you think that going to Daikanbo View Point is all about relaxing, you’d be wrong. Take your kids with you and you can teach them about nature. It’s the best place to learn how amazing nature is. I was really lucky to listen the juniors guides, the middle school students explaining about Aso in details. That was fantastic for me and I really fell in love with their interest in nature. I think we should raise our next generation to love the nature and to maintain it.
So, just come to visit Aso, Daikanbo View Point and enjoy the splendid views. And also drop by our Michi no Eki Aso, Tourist Information Centre. We’re waiting for guiding you to the best places of Aso.
Have a nice day…….
See you for my next blog…..
Min Min
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations   パーマリンク

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