A short journey in the Aso caldera



      Goodday everyone,

It’s still chilly this morning in the caldera, so let’s get out to take in the early morning views of Aso. The cold days, even in the Summer, always bring the possibility of a sea of clouds forming higher up. See this article.




Between the tomatoes and asparagus fields, we stumble upon the red cows of Aso. These ladies are pretty symbolic in the highlands, but many of them also reside inside the caldera.




Here comes the sun; and with the sun rising higher with the hour, the temperatures and humidity rise as well. Wet and warm. A little sticky, around 28 degrees Celsius (82F) for todays’ midday forecast.

Lately people suffering from hay fever are having a hard time: Agricultural times bringing the joyful work of cutting out weeds and hay.


Flora and fauna, everyone is showing up; from lizards to harriers, herons and crows, even the rice fields are now populated with ducks.



Let’s have a stop at Uchinomaki for an ice-cream at Aso Milk Factory. The milk is locally produced and they offer lunches; cheese are made and sold on the spot as well.

They happen to have taken over the rose garden next to the building as well, where it obviously is blooming season!



The flower garden also shows off with a gigantic glass house full of 550 varieties of roses.

Older flowers are being cut away by the rose team, in full action during this hot season. 



They’re always looking for people, if you’d like to join the team!? They plan on expanding the rose garden as well.



The rose tunnel is the attraction right now, bringing a little shade and a nice walk through an enormous amount of flowers.




Aso Milk Factory, is the perfect spot for a short pause in Uchinomaki.



Here we go, let’s end our Aso journey by visiting the poneys living right behind Aso station. A short hello and we’re off to the bathing spot next to Michi no Eki Aso, before heading towards our quarters for the night.



A last look at the rice fields for today, whilst the sun shines its last rays over the caldera.


I’m adding a few more views of today’s Aso, a moment of meditation to relax our brains… Good night; see you soon for more Aso fun!


Nathalie insta





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