Let’s dive into the hidden world of Aso.

Starry Starry night

Portraits hung in empty halls

Frameless heads on nameless walls

With eyes that watch the world and can’t forget

My favorite lines from Vincent ( Starry , Starry Night) song. Do you also love the starry starry night? What if I tell you that you can enjoy the starry starry night in Aso, even in the daytime? Today, I would like to introduce a beautiful place with splendid illumination arts.


The arts are actually inside of the Tunnel. It is called Takamori Tunnel Park. I never knew that such a park existed, thanks to my Japanese friend, I got a chance to get there.

The story behind this tunnel park is also interesting. This tunnel was actually built for military defense right after the Sino-Japanese war. But there was a problem with over loss of water which was supportive for Takamori village. They had to face the opposition to building the tunnel, finally they had to let the villagers close the tunnel. As you know, Japanese people never let their effort waste, they rebuilt the tunnel as a beautiful park.

Personally, the best part would be wandering inside the dim tunnel and gazing at each illumination art passing by, hearing the flowing water. 

Take a look at this sparkling gate. I felt like I would go into the miracle world.

There is a wonderful sense of art in each art which is really tough to describe. Look at them and feel them yourself in the following video.

All of the arts were stunning but if I have to choose the best of the best. Absolutely this one….

Actually I’m a big fan of the universe and space. This place gave me the exact vibe and I was standing right there for a bit long.

So, if you catch the chance to get there, just give it a try and some nice pictures. I promise you won’t regret it. 

Let’s call it a day and I’ll be back with another blog post. 

Have a nice day……

Min Min

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