




Hello everyone!

 Yesterday I went to Kusasenri to hike on mount Eboshi. Until recently only half of the hike was possible, but it reopened entirely, and I wanted to check that out. It is now possible to start your hike from the east or the west side and go all around Kusasenri. I decided to start from the west side that recently reopened. 


  To start the hike, you need to enter the vast grassland and follow the road going the opposite side of the fuming crater. Then you’ll find a panel showing a map of the area. Unfortunately, it is only in Japanese, so it may not be useful if you can’t read Kanjis. You can use the box on the right of this sign to notice the staff there that you’re going up in case there’s any problem during your hike. Anyway, it is not very long to hike Mount Eboshi. It takes roughly 45 minutes to reach the top. 

トレッキングを始めるのに、火山博物館前の広い草原に入って、噴煙が上がる火口の反対方向側の道を辿っていきます。すると、地図の記載がある看板が見えてきます。残念ながら日本語のみの記載となります。この看板の右隣には、登山箱があります。烏帽子岳トレッキングは長いルートではありません。約45分で頂上に着きます。The first part of this hike is quite easy because you’re just on the edge of Kusasenri and it stays flat for about a ten minutes walk. You’ll notice some closed part on your way. It is only explained in Japanese, but the thing is that you just need to close back behind you. Then you will start climbing. The path can be quite narrow on some parts and you’ll be walking on a dirt soil. It can be a problem in winter or during rainy periods because the soil can become very slippery wich can be kind of dangerous. Yesterday the more I climbed the more the soil was frozen, but some parts exposed to the sun have turned into very slippery mud. 


 But the fact that it was frozen was also one of the reason I wanted to climb to the top. As you can see on the pictures there is some really nice views thanks to that. I finally reached the top and was able to enjoy the beautiful view from there. I took a video you can watch on our English Facebook page in addition to the pictures you can see on this blog. Nothing to say except that the view is just breathtaking. 



I hope you enjoyed this hike in my company and hope to see you soon in Aso!


 最新の登山情報は 熊本県 県北広域本部のHPに掲載されています。ご確認ください。


















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